Chrome browser for pc
Chrome browser for pc

  1. #Chrome browser for pc Pc
  2. #Chrome browser for pc plus

Press SPACE, type two dashes, then paste or type the following: force-renderer-accessibility.Press the END key to navigate to the end of the shortcut name.

chrome browser for pc

Focus will be in the field containing the path to your browser shortcut. Press ALT+ENTER to open the Properties dialog.Navigate to the desktop by pressing WINDOWS+D.If you already have a desktop shortcut to Chrome, Edge, or Brave, you can add a flag that will circumvent this issue. Add a Flag to the Desktop ShortcutĪnother work-around is to add a flag to the desktop shortcut for your browser. However, you will need to repeat this work-around each time you launch your Chrome, Edge, or Brave browser. You should now be able to read all web page content for the duration of that browser session.

#Chrome browser for pc plus

To activate the Virtual Cursor, press NUMPAD PLUS on a keyboard with a numpad, or CAPS LOCK+SEMICOLON on a laptop that does not have one.

#Chrome browser for pc Pc

  • The page content should now be readable with the Virtual PC Cursor.
  • If you are using a laptop without a numpad, press CAPS LOCK+LEFT BRACKET. If you are using a keyboard with a numpad, press INSERT+NUMPAD MINUS.
  • Route the JAWS Cursor to the PC Cursor.
  • Because the web page content cannot initially be accessed by the Virtual PC Cursor, the PC Cursor will be active. One work-around is to route the JAWS Cursor to the PC Cursor, then activate the Virtual PC cursor. Google and Microsoft are working to resolve this issue, but meanwhile, we are providing two work-arounds to access web page content in these browsers. This issue is also present in other Chromium browsers such as Edge and Brave when using Version 114. JAWS will read these buttons as you press TAB, but once you move into the body of the page, you will not be able to read the content until executing one of the following work-arounds.

    chrome browser for pc chrome browser for pc

    This occurs when a page loads and when pressing TAB to navigate through the buttons for sharing the page, bookmarking the current tab, etc. Though the content is present, it cannot be accessed by the JAWS Virtual PC cursor, resulting in silence when navigating with the arrow keys. When launching the latest version of Google Chrome, (Version 114), with JAWS 2019, 2020, and 2021, an issue occurs that prevents web pages from being visible in the Virtual Buffer.

    Chrome browser for pc